









通过使用针对所需细胞类型上的靶抗原的特异性抗体-磁珠复合物,可以从细胞悬浮液中分离/去除所选细胞类型。该系类产品使用Proteintech的高特异性抗体与超磁性颗粒(或生物素-链霉亲和素磁珠复合物)结合。这种复合物可以以高亲和力靶向并结合到所需的细胞表面抗原。当放置在分离磁铁中时,结合的细胞 被吸引到管壁侧面,留下未结合的细胞转移到不同的管中。


Magnetic Beads

magnetic beads workflow

Magnetic Beads Kit

magnetic beads kit workflow

downstream beads data cd4

Enrichment of CD4+ T lymphocytes using Human CD4 Magnetic Beads (Proteintech, MS003): CD4+ T cells isolated by magnetic selection from healthy donor PBMC were labeled with CellTrace violet (Thermofisher) to track cell division and stimulated in vitro for 72 hours with plate-bound anti-CD3 (1ug/mL, Proteintech, 65133-1-Ig) and CD28 (2ug/mL, Proteintech 65099-1-Ig). CD4+ T lymphocytes show high purity and active cell division after in vitro stimulation.

Q: 用磁珠后的细胞,我可以做流式细胞术吗?

A: Y您可以在流式细胞术中使用未接触(untouched)的细胞,但不能使用与磁珠结合的细胞。您可以将与磁珠接触过或未接触的细胞用于体外细胞培养和下游实验中。

Q: 珠子是否会被细胞内化?

A: 磁珠不会被细胞内化。

Q: 你们有未接触的(untouched)细胞分离试剂盒吗?

A: 它们将于2022年发行。

Q: 我可以将你们的产品与哪些磁铁一起使用?

A: 我们已经用一系列磁铁对这些产品进行了测试,您可以使用实验室现有的磁铁!

Q: Proteintech有用于细胞分离的磁铁吗?

A: 目前正在开发中。

Q: 磁珠的尺寸大小是多少?

A: T直径约为2.7µM。

Q: 我能用这些产品从全血中分离细胞吗?

A: 是的,我们已经在全血中测试了这些产品,请参照说明书进行操作。

Q: 我为什么要用这些产品而不是FACS或基于柱子的MACS?

A: Proteintech磁珠和磁珠试剂盒的实验步骤比FACS或基于柱子的MACS更快、更简单,涉及的洗涤步骤更少。细胞分离过程更温和。

Q: 产品的保质期是多少?

A: 4℃下的可保存12个月。

Q: 我可以从结合磁珠的细胞上移除磁珠吗?

A: 我们目前没有释放复合物的磁珠,目前正在开发中。

Q: 推荐的分离缓冲液是什么?

A: PBS,0.1%牛血清白蛋白,2mM EDTA,pH 7.4。

High Purity Cell Depletions

Following depletion of CD8+ cells, supernatant cell suspension was stained with PB450-CD3(clone: HIT3a) and CL647-CD8(clone: OKT8) antibodies. CD45 positive cells are gated in the analysis. Left panel: CD3+CD8+ cells before selection. Right panel: CD3+CD8+ cells after depletion. Human CD8 magnetic beads are tested using PBMC from three different donors.

Cell Separation Products

Product Name Size Components
Human CD3 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Human CD3 (OKT3) Biotin Antibody
Human CD4 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Human CD4 (RPAT4) Biotin Antibody
Human CD8 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Human CD8 (UCHT4) Biotin Antibody
Human CD11b Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD11b (ICRF44) Antibody
Human CD14 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD14 (26IC) Antibody
Human CD16 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD16 (3G8) Antibody
Human CD19 Magnetic Beads Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Human CD19 (4G7) Biotin Antibody
Product Name Size Components
Mouse Lineage Depletion Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Mouse Lineage Antibody Cocktail
Human CD4 Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD4 Isolation Antibody Cocktail
Human CD8 Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD8 Isolation Human CD8 Selection Antibody Cocktail
Human CD3 Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD3 Isolation Antibody Cocktail
Human CD4 Memory T Cell Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD4 Memory T Cell Isolation Antibody Cocktail
Human CD8 Memory T Cell Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human CD8 Memory T Cell Isolation Antibody Cocktail
Human NK Cell Isolation Kit 10 or 100​ tests​ Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Biotin Labeled Human NK Cell Isolation Antibody Cocktail
Product Name Size Components
Human CD3/CD28 T Cell Activation Beads Kit 10 or 100 tests Streptavidin Magnetic Beads, Human CD3 (OKT3) Biotin Antibody, Human CD28 (28.2) Biotin Antibody

Product Flyer

Proteintech’s Solution for Cell Separations


Magnetic Beads Kit SDS
